agm 2025
It's important!

Notice of Annual General Meeting
We advise that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (FAMPARC) will be held on
Saturday 1st March 2025 at the:
FAMPARC Club Rooms, Riverend Road, Bangholme at 10.30 am (Rear of Cornish College)
All committee positions are to be declared vacant, and a formal election of Office Bearers will take place.
Applications are now sought from interested members in filling these positions. An Application form is printed below. The form must be completed by the Applicant and/or a Proposer.
A nominee may propose him/her self. Also, nominations will be accepted from the floor at the AGM if necessary. Nominees MUST be financial members for the Application to be accepted.
The Nomination papers should be in the hands of our Secretary by 22nd February 2025.
This is a really great opportunity to become involved and assist your radio club and fellow amateurs.
The work load is not onerous and our general meetings are usually held ad-hoc on a monthly
Come along and be part of the team
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