Hi Chaps,
I have been chatting with Terry vk3bmx, about opening a dialog with the Moorabbin club who own the 2M Repeater at Narre Warren VK3RMC.
This is the repeater that Moorabbin allow us to use for our weekly Famparc Nets.
I have been using the AllStar network for a while now and can access it a few ways, via VK3RSU Repeater, my own home node, or via the Repeater Phone App on my iPhone..
As there is only one repeater within the Melbourne area, vk3rsu, and also being a 70cm repeater, and because of it's location, I thought that having another repeater but on 2M and located at Narre Warren, would be of help to not only Famparc, but also the Moorabbin Club.
I have spoken to Ken vk3kim secretary of Moorabbin, and although he is not familiar with AllStar, he is keen to further expand their clubs repeater system.
Ken is going to chat to the committee of the club as well as the technical people about the implementation of a AllStar Node to the Narre Warren Repeater.
In my email to Ken, I did state, which will also have to be approved by Famparc, that Famparc look into the cost of the hardware to allow the FM repeater be connected to the AllStar network.
Terry, will be looking into this using his connections to do with the technical area.. What hardware is needed etc.. etc..
So.. In summary..
Email sent to Moorabbin with our suggestion.
Terry will talk to his people regarding what is required.
Ken vk3kim received my email and I also spoke to him, he will be presenting this to his club, Moorabbin, and also speak to his repeater tech.
More to follow..
We would like to know what your thoughts are about this.. or if you have any questions... Please make a comment below.
Famparc President.
22nd Aug 24
Email from Simon....
"Hello Craig,
Just heard you talking about wanting to set up an Allstar node on the Narre Warren 2M repeater. I suggest getting in contact with the Doctor, Tim VK3XEM. vk3tim@gmail.com
Tim has plenty of surplus equipment and maintains most of the Linked Repeater System.
The views I present are that of my own and NOT of any organisation I may belong to.
73 de Simon, VK3XEM."
22nd Aug 24
All good Craig,
The cost will be very minimal if you contact Tim, he gives the equipment away.
Hi Guys and Girls,
Further update as of 1st Oct.. 2024
I have since spoken to Ken from the Moorabbin Club, he asked if I make contact with Graeme from the club who looks after the Repeaters..
I spoke to Graeme tonight about getting the 2M Repeater connected to the AllStar Network and he is keen also.
Graeme is going to send me details on the 2M Repeater as well as the two 70cm Repeaters that are on the same site..
I will then forward that to Terry 3bmx, who will be making contact with Nick, to make sure the repeater has the appropriate hard for so it can interface with the AllStar device.
Once we get an idea of price I will approach our club with the costs, and if approved, then submit my request to the Moorabbin club as well as the club that also looks after the VK3RBA Node on AllStar.
Any suggestions and or ideas would be appreciated..
My god.. it's full of stars.
Here are the details on the three repeaters..
2m – 147.325Mhz – Set up your 91.5hz CTCSS Tone
70cm – 439.875Mhz – Set up your 91.5hz CTCSS Tone for Tx – is the Primary Analogue repeater also running P25
70cm – 439.375Mhz – Set up your 91.5hz CTCSS Tone for Tx
This sounds like a great idea, especially for us outliers who are a bit further away from Narre Warren.
St Kilda
Hi Craig,
good idea and much needed in the area.
Also another feather in our bow, to add to the features and benefits of joining FAMPARC.
Excellent idea Craig, goodonya🤓