This is my wish list for the club for 2025.
Reverse cycle air conditioner for the club rooms. Some of us, me included are getting soft and it is nice to have our creature comforts. Craig VK3NCR seems to think a 3 kw unit will do it. It would possible use 24 kWh per week. I worked that out using the principle that the club rooms are open twice a week for around four hours. Which would cost us about three dollars per week?
Convert the club rooms to solar power. We have a bucket load of room on the roof of our club rooms. We would need to purchase solar panels and batteries and solar controller/s. This would be a big project but could be used to learn about solar power and instillation and such. Included in this would be research into solar interference. When I go bush I use a solar blanket for power generation and don't get any interference at all. But......
Created/cleanup/organize work benches. Lets face it, it's a bit of a shambles right now. Included in this would be organizing component storage. We have resisters and so on to burn. But I am totally against throwing anything out. We just could look at cataloguing and organizing what we have better.
We are very good at running Foundation courses. I would like to see us expand that into tutoring on antennas and such. Roy, VK3GB, has run a soldering course. I would like to see another. I have no idea on how to use an antenna analyzer. Colin, VK3CR and Roy, VK3GB are both wiz kids on antennas. They could teach us lots.
Repaint the interior of the club rooms.
OK, that will do for now.
Hi Stanley,
Good one mate and well done on this... Good plan.. Let's hope we can get all this done.
We can have a vote on the next meeting..