I thought I might post a couple of pictures of our recent club Unun project.
Hopefully the photos will upload. I was a train driver. This project had me well outside my comfort zone. first I drilled the holes in the box. The instructions said to be careful with the positioning of the posts and the SO239. Next I wound both the unun and the balun. Before I placed the components in the box, I laid them out on my work bench. Then the dig for my multimeter with the buzzer. I found stripping the copper wire an issue until I found my small file set. After filling and measuring and checking continuity al components were loosely fitted into the box. Then came the job I dreaded the most. Soldering. I hate soldering almost as much as ironing. However the soldering proved really easy. The results. I chose Kurth Kiln campgrounds to try out the unun and the EFHW. Works good. The only problem I encountered was the 3D printed thingy broke. My fault. I didn’t glue it into place. And it got dropped on the ground. Not good. Would I do another club project? Yes. There has been talk of doing a loading coil for 80. Let’s do it. I would be happy carrying around the unun a loading coil and forty meters of wire. Stanley J. Mitchell VK3BOT
Here is the feed point end of the antenna. For the information of all, this antenna was only up at 2 metres maximum. I could touch the antenna throughout it full length. The far end of this antenna is up in a tree. I used a ladder to get the antenna as high in the tree as I could reach.
My wire was 20 metres long. It was cut for 7.100. I was able to use the antenna on 40, 20, 15 and ten. Fortunately my 991A has an inbuilt tuner to help on the other bands.
Just coz I could, I tried to match it on 80. And to my utter amazement, it worked. Not good and it was deaf, but it worked.
With the proposed 80 metre loading coil project that will fix that issue.
Bring on the next project. Yesterday would be a good time.
My camp setup at Kurth Kiln campground
Well done Stanley!!! Good to see also someone using the web site too.. !!! Really good effort !.. Craig 3ncr