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Band Plan Updates Proposed

The WIA Technical Advisory Committee – Band Plan Updates Proposed for 6m, 70cm and 9cm bands

Date : 21 / 12 / 2023Author : Grant Willis VK5GR

The Wireless Institute of Australia - Technical Advisory Committee are proposing changes to the Band Plan for 6m, 70cm and 9cm bands

The WIA TAC has opened a new band planning consultation paper for comment.

Changes are being considered to the following bands:

6m- with the AOCP(S) Standard class licensees gaining access to the entire band, a proposal has been made to remove the weak signal segment between 52.0 and 52.5 MHz and replace it with a new wideband segment, in support of new experiments including Reduced Bandwidth ATV using digital modulation techniques.

70cm- it is proposed to remove the grand fathered repeater segments and add an additional segment between 439.625-439.7875 which is allowed to use -7 MHz offset. In addition, the repeaters between 439.800-440.000 are also proposed to be granted access to -7MHz receiver offsets should the repeater operator wish to use them.

9cm- with the withdrawal of much of the amateur allocation between 3400-3600 MHz, as well as reports of interference and overload challenges with the weak signal segment currently being placed directly adjacent the 3400 -3420 MHz NBN LTE transmitters, a review of the band is proposed. Options are discussed and a new channel plan for wideband is also proposed.

The full consultation paper is available here:Link

We invite all radio amateurs to download and consider the proposals.

Feedback is most welcome and can be forwarded to us on email at

We are leaving the submission period open until January 31st 2024.

Please take the time to review the proposals and contribute your feedback.


Grant Willis VK5GR

WIA TAC Chairman

Page Last Updated: Saturday, 23 Dec 2023 at 18:26 hours by Peter Clee


Comment for Standard License Holders..

6m (50 – 54 MHz) Band

Proposed Narrow Band Mode Segment Changes

Now that both AOCP(A) and AOCP(S) grade operators can access the whole band, the need to retain two narrow band mode segments has been made redundant.

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