Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club
Saturday, July 5 2025
On Saturday, July 5 the Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club will be hosting a Hamfest sale. the venue is at the Longwarry Community Hall in Longwarry, approx 60km East of Dandenong, Vic.
The venue is easy to find. It is just 3 km South of the freeway interchange, 150 metres South of the Longwarry train station and level crossing.
Tea / Coffee and sausage sizzle will be available on the day.

For Buyers:
at 1:30pm.
Doors open at 10:00 for buyers. Entry fee is $7 Entry includes a ticket for a Door Prize drawn
For Sellers:
Doors open at 8:30 for stall holders. Fees are $18 per table. Tables are approx 1.8 x 0.8m Tables must be paid for in advance of the event via EFT. A maximum of 30 tables are available.
Table hire includes entry for two persons.
EFT use BSB 633000 Account
146016746 Bookings are not confirmed until a booking number has been issued by the booking coordinator. No trading before 10:00 am please.
Direct enquiries to lan Jackson VK3BUF via: hamfest@ggrec.org.au or call 5644 3118
