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Hi Chaps,

The work of the Communications Manager never ends..

I have uploaded images of the Famparc Cub Rooms Fire as well as a range of images from what looks like a Famparc Field Day.

Well done to the men and women in rebuilding the club rooms.. we all are proud of your efforts!

Also the amazing efforts that the people did to run these field days.

These images that I have scanned are now stored within our Files Area of our website for safe keeping, as well as displayed within our Shared Gallery.

Thanks to Gerard Vk3ger for this archival information below...


On Saturday the 28 of August in the wee hours of the morning we had a very unfortunate accident at the club house.

After a phone call at 2:45 am, Gerard, Craig, Jan and myself hurried to the club house, only to see the final stage of our club house ON FIRE.

All we could do is watch the fire fighters trying to put it all out. At about 5 AM the last hoses were cleared. On that Saturday morning we had exams organised for students.

Luckily we were given the use or two classrooms from the school, so no sleep and lots of questions from lots of people and paper work to sign and fill in.

As it stands we no longer have a club house. So far the cause is unknown. This sets us back about six years, back to the days where we met at the schools class rooms. Luckily we will be able to continue the classes for students over the next two months or so, and have our monthly meetings. You will all understand that the Saturday morning meetings are discontinued, until a new building has been erected. Building and contents were insured, but lots of things cannot be replaced. Depending on the finalising of the insurance, we hope to get things moving soon. In the coming weeks we hope to clear the site. So far it looks like the concrete slab has not had any major damage. Also the tower and septic tank have not been affected by the fire.

Thanks to all the members who have been helping so far and for their support.

The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio Club had already offered us the use of their club rooms, which we are very grateful for, but we think we can manage.

In light of the above the committee has decided to cancel the next Inter-Club Meeting,

which was planned for Sunday 19th of September. We have not set another date. Maybe one of the other Victorian Clubs can take up the attempt of further strealining of club activities.

On a lighter note: On Saturday 21$ of August we had our White Elephant Sale at the usual venue in Frankston.

Thanks to those who helped out with the set-up and running of the event it went without a glitch. Some disappointment was heard about the non-presence of more commercial traders and good equipment.

We will try to improve on that for next year.

If vou missed the event. vour next opportunity is on Sunday 12th

h of September, at the Shepparton and District Amateur Radio 1999 Hamfest. Venue is the Shepparton Youth Club Hall (behind Safeway), Cnr High and Amber Streets. Doors open at 10 AM. For more info contact SADARC via PO-Box 692,

Shepparton 3630.


Peter Brennan VK3TE, president of FAMPARC



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