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Status of new amateur radio

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

28 November 2023

Status of new amateur radio arrangements and transition with AMC

As indicated in our August 2023 update, we plan to make the amateur class licence in December. We will commence class licensing arrangements in February, at the same time as the commencement of the proposed new amateur radio qualification framework and new assessor accreditations.

In the August update, we indicated that more details about the transition arrangements for existing amateur licensees, including amateur radio clubs, will be published in December 2023. This will include information on the surrender of amateur licences and eligibility for a pro-rata refund of the tax paid.

We have considered the submissions we received in response to our consultation on the proposed amateur radio qualification and assessor accreditation arrangements. We plan to publish the submissions and our response to them, as well as the outcome of the consultation by mid-December.

Before the amateur class licence commences, we will write to all current non-assigned amateur licensees to outline the transition arrangements. In this letter, we will confirm the qualification level and call sign(s) they hold, and that they are authorised to operate under the amateur class licence.

The ACMA has been working closely with the AMC to support a smooth transition of qualification and call sign services – which the ACMA will administer from February 2024 – and continuity of service for the network of assessors.

Details of AMC cut-off times are outlined on the AMC’s website.



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