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  • International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend - ILLW

    International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend - ILLW Normally held on the 3rd full weekend in August This year 00.01UTC 19th August to 24.00UTC 20th August 2023 (48 hours) Guidelines for the Event. and Frequently Asked Questions. Please read before submitting a registration form. Registration is optional but it does help to let everyone else know which lighthouses will be on the air. A lighthouse can only be registered once and multiple entries using different call signs will not normally be accepted unless there is a valid reason. Other callsigns can, of course, be used on air.

  • Remembrance Day Contest

    Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August 2023 Contest Manager Alan Shannon VK4SN Contest Introduction This contest commemorates the Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area. A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants. Aim Of The Contest Amateurs will endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas, ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE, CW and RTTY as per the era remembered. Further Details: Upcoming Contest Date & Time 12th & 13th August 2023, 0300-0300 UTC Contest Rules 3. Contest Date & Time Weekend in August closest to the 15th, 0300 UTC Saturday to 0300 UTC Sunday. As a mark of respect, stations are asked to observe 15 minutes silence prior to the start of the contest, during which the opening ceremony will be broadcast. 4. Categories 1. Single Operator 2. Single Operator – QRP 3. Multi-Operator – Single Transmitter (Multi-Single) 4. Multi-Operator – Unlimited (Multi-Multi) 5. Sub-Category Modes for Single Operators 1. Phone (AM, FM & SSB) 2. CW (CW & RTTY) 3. Mixed 6. Permitted Bands 1. Contacts may be made on MF (160M), HF and VHF & above bands except for WARC bands (10, 18 & 24MHZ) which are excluded by IARU agreement from all contest operations. a. HF SSB Voice transmissions should be within: 1843-1875, 3535-3570 and 3600-3700, 7080-7300, 14112-14300, 21150-21450, 28300-29100KHz, otherwise disqualification or points reduction may result. 7. Multi-operator Stations 1. Multi-operator single transmitter stations a. Are only allowed one transmitted signal on air at any time. 2. Multi-operator Unlimited stations a. Are only allowed two transmitted signals on any band, one per Phone and one per CW as per rule 5.1 and 5.2. b. Simultaneous transmissions on different bands are permitted. 3. Multi-operator stations are mixed mode only. Multi Stations, please observe any COVID Restrictions for your area. 8. Teams Team scenario 1. A station and two of their friends operate in the contest from their respective home QTH and participate in the contest and submit their logs in the normal manner. They are eligible for any awards in the category they entered as single operators. The contest manager was notified that these 3 stations want to form a team. Their scores are tallied together and that is the team score. Team scenario 2. A multi-single club has 2 operators who wish to work from their home QTH. The 2 single operators and the multi-single club contest and submit logs in the normal manner. They are eligible for any awards in the category they entered. The contest manager was notified that these 3 stations want to form a team. The 2 single operators and the club multi-single stations scores are tallied together and that is the team score. 1. A team can consist of only one of the following two options. a) Three single operator stations b) Two single operator stations and one multi-single station 2. A team can consist of stations located anywhere in VK, ZL, or P2. 3. An operator can only be included in one team. 4. Clubs may enter multiple teams of 3 call-signs. 5. The ‘Team Leader’ MUST nominate his team to the Contest Manager before the start of the contest. Email to with the subject “RD Team Submission”. a) Nominations must include the Callsigns and Operators Name. Where multiple teams from one club are submitted, it is suggested to use Team Names, example: Tazzie Devils b) The Team leader must supply postal details for receipt of any awards. c) Once the contest has started, team members cannot be changed. 6. The winner of the team initiative will be the highest combined score from any one team. 7. Team scores are not included in the determination of the winning state. 9. Contacts 1. Suggested Call: “CQ RD”, “CQ Contest”, or “CQ Test” 2. Exchange: A valid exchange consists of RS(T) followed by a number as follows: a. For a single operator, the number of years you have been a licenced Ham. For example, if this is your 1st year as a ham then you will sign RS(T) 001. Round off to the nearest whole number. All zeros are not accepted. b. For a multi-op or club station, the number of licenced years of the longest licenced Amateur present at the start of the contest. 3. On all bands, stations may be contacted at intervals of not less than THREE hours since the previous contact on that band and mode. a. FM & SSB count as one mode, as does CW & RTTY count for the CW mode. Therefore one cannot QSO with a station in FM and work them on SSB on the same band before the three hours is up. 4. No cross band contacts are allowed. 5. Exchange of contact information via satellites, telephones, repeaters, Echolink, IRLP, or the internet is not in the spirit of the contest and is banned. 6. Contacts via satellites are not allowed for scoring purposes. 7. Contacts within the same call area are permitted. 11. General Rules 1. W.I.A. General Rules for All Contests apply unless otherwise specified. 2. All operators of single operator stations must perform all operating and logging without assistance. a. Use of spotting, skimmer, SDR and similar operator assistance software is allowed on all bands, however all replies, exchanges and log entries must be performed by the operator. 3. Holders of more than one licence or callsign MUST use only ONE callsign for the contest duration. 4. Fully automated operation is not permitted; however, computers can be used for logging or CW or RTTY reception and/or keying. 5. All operations must be in accordance with the band plan for the band in use, as published in the latest LCD. 6. Any station observed as departing from the generally accepted codes of operating ethics or licence conditions may be disqualified. * QRP stations are limited to 5 Watts average (CW/RTTY) or PEP (SSB) at the transmitter output. 7. REMOTE STATION OPERATION is allowed with the following conditions: (NEW in 2021) a. Both receiving and transmitting antennas must be co-located and be in Australia. b. If your remote station is interstate, you must sign VKn??/VKn or VKn/VKn?? c. Points will be allocated to the state you are transmitting and receiving from. d. The remote site location must be shown by a maiden head six figure grid square in your soapbox comments. e. All calls and exchanges must be obtained through the TX/RX remote site. f. Only the remote site can be used during the contest. I.E. Using your personal physical local location for use of local TX/RX operations is not allowed. 12. WW2 ex Military equipment 1. Operators using Ex WW2 equipment will be awarded with a special certificate acknowledging their participation and use of such. 2. A declaration with the heading of WW2 Equipment will operate said units within the "ORIGINAL manufactures specified operating conditions", e.g. no mods to boost the output power etc. A copy of the preferred Certificate is available on the on the WIA website at 3. Please include the declaration with your log submission. Contest Scoring 10. Scoring 1. On 160 metres two points per completed valid contact. 2. On 23cm or higher bands two points per completed valid contact. 3. On all other bands one point. (no WARC bands allowed) 4. On CW and RTTY, irrespective of band, double points. 5. All QSO's logged between 0100 and 0600 LOCAL TIME score triple points. Submitting Your Log 13. Log Submission 1. Electronic Logging a. Use of logging software is preferred as the output file will be in Cabrillo 3 format which suits our log checking software. See below for logger links. b. Submit Log WITHIN 14 DAYS by 0300z via Please add EMAIL: youremail@myisp to the log header. c. Or failing b. above, attach your 'callsign.log' file to your email and send to d. Put ONLY your callsign in the subject . e. On receipt of your log, the manager will send an acknowledgement email to you. Just to be sure, it is advised that you flag your email for “confirmation of receipt”, in which case you will receive two emails acknowledging receipt of the log. 2. Paper Logs a. Hand written logs are not preferred, however if sent must be legible and contain no more than 100 contacts. b. Entrants are encouraged to enter the paper logs into a logger after the contest and email the Cabrillo log (callsign.log) as indicated above. c. Paper logs should be accompanied by a Summary Sheet showing all the details as per the log example below and nominated team name if used. d. Declaration: I hereby certify that I have operated in accordance with the rules and spirit of the contest; signed & dated. Please supply a contact telephone number. e. Send paper logs and summary sheets to: RD Contest Manager. 43 Jahn Drive, Glenore Grove, QLD 4342. Do not send logs requiring a signature! Collection is an hours return drive away and may not be collected before results are finished. 3. If you genuinely have problems with the above, then acceptance of .xls, .csv, and .txt files will be considered for processing. PDF, DOC(x), MDB or picture files are not accepted. 4. Emailed Logs are to be received by the contest manager no later than 14 days after the contest ends. 5. Paper logs are to be postmarked no later than 8 days after the contest. 6. All logs will be receipted by email or on the website if no email exists for the operator. 7. Logs received after the closing date will not be eligible for processing. 8. Paper logs will not be returned unless a SASE is forwarded requesting return of the log. 9. VK entrants temporarily operating outside their allocated call area, including those outside continental Australia as defined for DXCC, can elect to have their points credited to their home State by making a statement to that effect on their summary sheet or in the ‘soapbox’ field in the Cabrillo file. Contest Results 14. Contest Results 1. Determination of Winning State or Territory. State score = (Total points from logs submitted) divided by (number of licencees in the state or Territory excluding beacons and repeaters). The Number of Licences are supplied to the manager from the WIA National Office for that year. 2. Unless otherwise elected by the entrant concerned, the scores of VK0 stations will be credited to VK7, and the scores of VK9 to the mainland call area which is geographically closest. Scores of P2, or ZL will not be included in these calculations, although entrants in those areas are eligible for all certificate awards. 3. Results will be published within 90 days after the close of the contest on the W.I.A. website and winners announced in AR magazine as soon as practical. Contest Award 15. Contest Awards 1. Entrants must make at least 25 contacts to be eligible for awards. 2. Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place certificates will be posted to recipients. a. Single Operator Phone b. Single Operator CW c. Single Operator Mixed d. Single Operator QRP Phone e. Single Operator QRP CW f. Single Operator QRP Mixed g. Multi-operator – Single Transmitter h. Multi-operator – Multi Transmitter i. Team j. //DISCONTINUED due to callsigns now not reflecting the licence grade.// The top three foundation scorers regardless of category. 3. Certificates will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place-getters for each VK call area, and ZL & P2 from the WIA office. All other certificates will be via PDF download. a. Categories “a” through “f” as above. 4. Participants using WW2 ex military equipment will receive a special acknowledgement certificate as well as any certificates gained in winning any section. Logging Software 17. Logging Software 1. Downloads a. VK Contest Log (VKCL) by Mike Subocz VK3AVV, b. John Drew VK5DJ RD logging program Link c. SD Logger by EI5DI. See (HF logging only) d. N1MM (HF only) Support files (City and UDC) from 2. Remember to check for updates immediately prior to contests to make sure you have the latest software that will contain up to date scoring and rule changes. Logs are now processed through log checking software that uses Cabrillo V3.0 format. An example log is as follows: (brackets indicates option under each tag.) START-OF-LOG: 3.0 (Options for RD Contest) LOCATION: DX CONTEST: REMEMBRANCE DAY CALLSIGN: VK7?? CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP (SINGLE-OP, MULTI-OP, CHECKLOG) CATEGORY-STATION: FIXED (FIXED, MOBILE, PORTABLE) CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH (HIGH, LOW, QRP) CATEGORY-MODE: SSB (SSB, FM, CW, MIXED) CATEGORY-BAND: ALL CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: ONE (ONE, TWO, UNLIMITED) CLAIMED-SCORE: 6 CLUB: Your club OPERATORS: VK7?? NAME: JOHN CITIZEN ADDRESS: 1 STREET NAME ADDRESS: MY SUBURB ADDRESS: MY STATE ADDRESS: MY POSTCODE EMAIL: your email address CREATED-BY: Some ones Contest Log (Ver 1.0.0) SOAPBOX: MY COMMENTS SOAPBOX: QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0353 VK7?? 59 012 VK3??? 59 003 QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0358 VK7?? 59 012 VK2?? 59 032 QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0400 VK7?? 59 012 VK7?? 59 040 QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0403 VK7?? 59 012 VK2?? 59 027 QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0407 VK7?? 59 012 VK3??? 59 007 QSO: 7000 PH 2017-08-12 0410 VK7?? 59 012 VK3?? 59 051 END-OF-LOG: Contest Sponsors VK Classifieds: SO PH Highest scoring station. CW Operators QRP Club: Highest scoring QRP station. Sth Pacific Contest Club: MS & MM 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Trent VK4TS: Team Winner. VKHAM: Highest scoring Rookie. Files For Download RD Contest Rules RDContestRules.pdf RD Rules - Quick Reference Guide RD-Rules-Quick-ReferenceGuide.pdf RD Paper Log, Summary sheet, and WW2 Equipment Declaration RDlogAndSummarySheet.pdf 2018 RD Contest Results RemembranceDayContestReport2018forWebsite.pdf RD 2018 State Winner Certificates RD2018StateWinnerCertificates.pdf 2019 RD Contest Results - rev 3. RemembranceDayContestReport2019forWebsite.pdf 2019 RD State winner certificates RD2019StateWinnerCertificates.pdf RD 2020 Contest Results RemembranceDayContestReport2020forWebsite.pdf RD 2020 State Winner Certificates RD2020StateWinnerCertificates.pdf 2021 RD Contest Report RemembranceDayContestReport2021forWEBSITE.pdf 2021 RD Certificates - State and Team Winners RD2021_STATE_and_TEAM_CERTIFICATES.pdf 2022 RD Results RemembranceDayContestReport2022forWebSite.pdf RD 2022 Certificates (PDF) RD2022_StateWinnerCertificates.pdf 2016 RD Results -Rev 1 RDArticleForWebsite 2016.pdf RD 2016 State Winner Certificates Rev 1 (PDF) RD2016StateWinnerCertificates.pdf 2017 RD Contest Opening Address 2017-RD-1.mp3 2017 RD RESULTS (PDF) RD2017FullResults.pdf RD 2017 State Winner Certificates (PDF) Rev 1 RD_2017_State_Winner_Certificates.pdf RD 2020 Opening Address 2020 RD speech 15m00s L.mp3

  • Ham Radio 2.0, Huntsville, and v6.9 Dev

    Ham Radio 2.0, Huntsville, and v6.9 Dev This article thanks to John VK3JCO Mark Your Calendars Ham Radio Deluxe on Ham Radio 2.0 YouTube Live (7-Aug 0000z) HRD Software CEO Dr. Michael Carper (WA9PIE) will be live with Jason (KC5HWB) on his popular YouTube podcast - Ham Radio 2.0. Topics of conversation will include an overview of Ham Radio Deluxe, recent additions in v6.8, the status of 6.9 development, and perspectives on the future of Ham Radio Deluxe. Join the event for live Q&A. YouTube: Date & Time (UTC): 7-Aug 2023 @ 0000z United States: Aug. 6, 2023, at 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 6 pm MT, 5 pm PT Huntsville Hamfest (August 19-20, 2023) Ham Radio Deluxe is excited to be attending the Huntsville Hamfest this year. We'll be in the booth between DX Engineering and FlexRadio. See Mike (WA9PIE) and Tammy (KB9YHU) in the booth if you plan to attend. They're looking forward to seeing you there. Status of Version 6.9 Development Development on the next release of Ham Radio Deluxe is ongoing. Release - version 6.9 - seeks to accomplish several things: Eliminate Microsoft Access as a supported database; replace it with SQLite Eliminate the majority of the outstanding Logbook defects (including catching up to the current ADIF standards) Implement many customer-requested enhancements in Logbook (POTA, SOTA, callsign lookup images, etc.) Ability to run as a 64-bit application on 64-bit operating systems Lay the foundation for a subsequent release of Ham Radio Deluxe that is multi-platform (i.e., can run on Mac OS and potentially Linux) These changes are significant, and the work involved is substantial, BUT we will have a tremendously better and more supportable product when it's complete. All this is a prerequisite to the desired capabilities of version 7 later in the roadmap. HRD Software's owner - Mike, WA9PIE - checks in with the developers daily for progress updates. It's hard to predict when this work will complete, but all of our resources (people and funding) are going toward this effort. (Editorial Note: Even Dr. Carper is not thrilled with how long this release has taken. But the outcomes align with the goals above and are worth the effort.) A broader announcement will be made when the software is moved to the beta team. We appreciate your patience. Thank you es 73 de Mike, WA9PIE HRD Software, LLC We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. The Ham Radio Deluxe Team... HRD Software, LLC Also visit our sites at: Support for Software Maintenance & Support Customers Peer Support Forums YouTube Channel Online User Manual HRD Software, LLC 4261 E University Dr Ste 30-183 Prosper, TX 75078-9152

  • Sunday 10th September 2023 SHEPPARTON HAMFEST

    Sunday 10th September 2023 SHEPPARTON HAMFEST Doors open at 10.00an for the punters. Entry is $5.00 per person. Children under 15 free. St Augustine’s Church Hall Orr St SHEPPARTON Doors open at 7.00am for vendor setup. Tables are $20.00 for the first table and $15.00 for each table thereafter. Each vendor is allowed two free entry tickets. Doors open at 10.00an for the punters. Entry is $5.00 per person. Children under 15 free.

  • ACMA update July 19th

    19 July 2023 ACMA makes changes to amateur access in 50–52 MHz and 3.4–3.6 GHz frequency bands Following consultation on changes to amateur access in the 50–52 MHz and 3.4–3.6 GHz bands, we have made the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Omnibus Amendment Instrument 2023 (No.1). The proposed changes will: Give Standard amateurs and overseas equivalents access to the 50–52 MHz frequency band. Remove access to the 3.4–3.6 GHz frequency band for Advanced amateurs and overseas equivalents. This is in areas that have been re-allocated for spectrum licensing and identified for possible long-term earth station protection zones. We received 6 submissions in response to the consultation, including one confidential submission. The majority of submissions supported the proposed changes to the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 and the Radiocommunications (Overseas Amateurs Visiting Australia) Class Licence 2015. You can view the public submissions and outcome of the consultation on the ACMA website. Outcome On 13 July 2023, we made the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Omnibus Amendment Instrument 2023 (No.1). The proposed changes to amateur access in the 50–52 MHz band and 3.4–3.6 GHz band also took effect on 13 July.

  • Australian emergency services accept what3words

    Australian emergency services accept what3words 28/10/2020 The Emergency+ app displays a Triple Zero (000) caller’s current what3words address so they can easily give Australian emergency services their exact location and receive help quickly. Australia’s emergency services have developed a free life-saving app, Emergency+, which helps people call the right emergency number and confirm their location. what3words is now available in this app, and emergency services in Australia accept and use what3words addresses to find Triple Zero (000) callers faster.

  • Craig’s out and about

    Quick blog.. headed up to Tibooburra then out to Cameron Corner.. as for radio.. 20m is simply amazing .. it will be listening on 14.290 for those that can get on to that band.. had a great chat to the Famparc ham shack today .. thanks guys for making the effort .. Especially to Stanley 3bot..

  • Pat’s funeral UPDATE Patricia Pavey VK3OZ 3-5-1944 to 11-7-2023

    Pat’s funeral will be at St Thomas Anglican Church in Langwarrin (cnr North Rd and Warrandyte Rd) at midday Wednesday 19 July, with some refreshments to follow. It is with sadness that I report the passing of Pat Pavey VK3OZ; long time FDU member, CW operator, friend to many, and mother to Phil VK3VB, Peter Jnr, Patsy, and Paula.

  • 80 meter bent half square

    My 80 meter bent half square was probably the best antenna I ever had. I had it broadside to Europe at my Hampton Va QTH, I had it broadside to the Pacific area for one contest at my New Kent location and then installed it again broadside to Europe. Very hard to work Europe off the ends so I took about 5 hours to rotate it. Only rotated it once! It is important to note that a half square is not worth the trouble on 20 meters and above because a dipole at the same height as the top wire of the half square has more gain for DX. On 40 meters the top wire is about 35 or 40 feet and a 40 meter dipole at that height is about the same as the half square and a dipole is easier to put up. Thanks to Mani for finding this Video.


    The End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) is one of the most popular antennas and is currently proving to be one of the best options for new Hams and those that have limitations on what they can install in their gardens or back yards. Peter G3OJV discusses and answers some the most frequently asked questions. Thanks for Mani for finding this video. Here are some things you can do to get even more fun out of an End Fed Half-Wave Antenna.

  • Motorola DM4601e review

    VHF/DMR radio Power levels 25-45 W 136-174 MHz, Channel Capacity 1000 Super easy to program the analog channels a little finicky with DMR frequencies and setting up a hotspot on the VHF band, But after the first 10 entries it becomes second nature with a copy-and-paste feature in CPS. As for the DMR the audio is 1000 better than what I am used to using with cheap Chinese radios. Because MOTOTRBO uses TDMA digital technology, you get integrated voice and data, twice the calling capacity, and clearer voice communications With Intelligent Audio, the radio volume automatically adjusts to compensate for background noise so ham users don’t have to keep adjusting their radio volume to avoid missing a call in loud situations or disturbing nagging wives . Increased background noise suppression filters out unwanted external noises – from road traffic to your HF radio hissing in the background *And no need to adjust the offset on the Hotspot as the radio is dead on frequency* The only downside I found with this radio is it will only let you import 1000 DMR contacts in the radio but if you are running it mainly off a hotspot having the callsigns displayed there is wont be a problem but you can still import the most active VK contacts into it. Some other random features the radio has is Bluetooth® 2.1 + EDR Specification Radio supports 1 Bluetooth audio accessory and 1 Bluetooth data device simultaneously 3 W (Internal) speaker is front mounted and sounds great Can be programmed via 3 different connections rear data plug, Mic plug, or via Bluetooth These radios come up a lot on eBay, so if you are interested in one that would be the best place to keep an eye out they can go for around 200-400 Cheers and 73 VK3DEL


    Ofcom UK, is proposing to update the amateur radio licence to enable amateur radio to continue to develop as a hobby, within a simplified regulated framework that supports optimal spectrum use WHY NOT FOR AUSTRALIA? Thanks to Roy VK3GB for the information etc.

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