Working With Children Check
For Famparc Members to attend the club rooms which are located on the grounds of the Cornish College, each member must have an up-to-date Working With Children Check and proof being a physical card or digital card located on your phone.
As the club rooms are located on the school ground and access to the FAMPARC Club are accessed via the school, the school requires our club that members wishing to visit the club rooms have the WWC check.
This is not a requirement to be a member of Famparc, however as above, the WWC is required to enter the school and access the club room.

Although ​you can use your computer to create an account and apply for a WWC Check, I would recommend as what I did, use your Mobile Phone, as the App uses your phones Camera to take images of your documents as well as your face.
In person at australia POST:
You can verify your identity online with Australia Post and then go to Australia Post to lodge the application in person. If you can't verify your identy online with Australia Post, you still complete the online application, but verify your identity in person when you go to Australia Post to lodge the application. Click Here

download the app for your phone:
Once you have installed the App on your phone.
NOTE: If you already have had a WWC Check & it has Expired, there are two options within the APP where you can select either Updating your WWC Check OR Creating a new WWC Check.
If you do not already have a Service Victoria Account, you will need to create an account.
Once you have created your Service Victoria Account, Log in !

Note: Image is from a iPhone.
Using the images across the top of the screen, slide across until you see "Get a digital WWCC card" and then tap.
You need to then follow all the instructions and make sure you read the text with care! (Take Your Time!)
Note: You need to select Volunteer, otherwise you maybe charged.
I found that you also need the following: (Take Your Time!)
Birth Certificate
Drivers License
Medicare Card.
Other forms of I.D are required if you do not have the above, this will be displayed on the app.
You will be required to take clear images of the above, as well as your face. The App will direct you how to do this.
You will also need the club details when asked.
(You will need to select what type of business etc.. I selected Club)
Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club
Postal Address:
PO Box 65 Patterson Lakes Vic. 3197
0490 900 279
I do hope this is of help to you.